
Real-World Experience, Career Preparation

准备在特殊教育领域工作或教K-12学生有广泛的 特殊需要范围. 你会 work closely with award-winning professors who are 特殊教育领域的领导者,在一个国家认可的项目中 prepares more educators than any other university in Colorado. 老师候选人 还将通过广泛的实地学习获得现实世界的课堂经验 机会,包括模拟的,教师指导的课堂体验 the 程序, to full-time 教学 opportunities in your final semester. 领域经验 直接联系到你的课程作业,将课堂和现实世界的学习联系起来.

毕业生获得特殊教育学士学位和K-12教师学位 emphasis students also receive Colorado licensure as a K-12 Generalist.  博天堂官方的毕业生 享受学区和其他雇主近100%的安置率. As a student in the 特殊教育 程序, you may also be eligible for federal loan forgiveness 程序s.


格里利主校区有200多名本科生,主修特殊教育 where students follow a traditional college experience.

除了格里利校园项目,你还可以获得特殊教育 Generalist bachelor’s degree 和 K-12 licensure at UNC’s 城市教育中心 在丹佛. As part of the Denver 程序, you’ll work in a classroom as a teacher 第一年开始当学徒,有机会获得报酬和 学分. Classes are available afternoons 和 evenings for added flexibility.

博天堂官方的特殊教育通才文学学士课程提供两个领域 重点取决于你的兴趣和职业目标:K-12教学和自由 艺术.

特殊教育 Generalist K-12 Teaching Concentration

Gain the skills to work with students across a wide range of needs 和 abilities. 当您成功完成K-12教学集中课程后,您将获得 特殊教育通才教师执照的机构推荐 through the Colorado Department of Education.

特殊教育 Generalist Liberal 艺术 Concentration

Not sure if you’re ready to pursue a 教学 career? The Liberal 艺术 emphasis provides 在特殊教育理论和实践以及教师准备方面有很强的背景, 但不包括学生在最后一个学期或K-12的教学现场经验 教学 licensure upon graduation.

城市教育中心 Program

UNC’s 特殊教育 文学学士 和 licensure 程序 combines a liberal 美术师徒制课程具有特殊教育的理论、实践和应用 教育学确保教师具有有效的特殊所需的广博知识 教育教师. As one of three bachelor's degrees with initial licensure offered by the UNC 城市教育中心, which operates at the UNC Denver Center at 劳里,这个项目的特点是结构化的课程安排(你将专注于一门课程) (一段时间)和一个付费的课堂学徒模式,让你开始学习 和 working in metro area classrooms right away.

通过在城市学区的专业培训和经验,我们的毕业生 常规报告说,他们向全职教师的转变不涉及 惊喜. They have seen much, done much 和 are ready to tackle the most dem和ing 教学的挑战.
完成课程后,你将有机会获得执照 K-12特殊教育工作者(适用于幼儿园至21岁). 特殊教育毕业生有资格获得额外的K-6基础教育背书, after taking 和 successfully passing an Elementary Content Exam.




博天堂官方的特殊教育辅修课程是为希望接受特殊教育的本科生开设的 除特殊教育外,辅修专业或教师执照课程 程序. Additional requirements in other special education 程序s must be met before students with a minor are eligible for special education licensure. 你会完成 18学分,包括《博天堂官方》、《博天堂官方》等必修课程 教育计划和协作过程,以及12个额外小时的选择 课程.



“如果你来博天堂官方攻读特殊教育学位,请带着一颗宽广的心来, open mind 和 h和s ready to serve those around you. Your passions 和 your dreams are appreciated here 和 will be cultivated to better others. The coursework is challenging, 无论是学术上还是道德上,都让你准备好与学生一起恭敬地工作 和 individuals who have disabilities."

– Brittaney Hudson, K-12 特殊教育, Class of 2015

你的未来 in 特殊教育

全国公认的优秀教师教育,并指定为小学 在科罗拉多州的教师教育机构,UNC提供创新的 学习经验和支持性、合作性的学习环境 你可以茁壮成长. 你会 find a true sense of community among faculty 和 peers. 你会 也受益于课堂学习和现实世界之间的直接联系 经历.

考虑UNC的 B.A. in 特殊教育 Generalist if you:

  • Want to teach K-12 students with a variety of special needs
  • Want to gain extensive experience in real classroom settings
  • Thrive in small classes with close faculty mentorship
  • Want to advocate for people with disabilities


  • General assessment 和 教学 methodology
  • 如何有效落实专业标准,倡导儿童和青少年权益 with special needs 和 collaborate with families 和 other educators
  • Applications of technology in special education


  • Culture of 特殊教育
  • Behavioral Dimensions of Students with Exceptionalities (I 和 II)
  • Methods for Teaching Mathematics: Students with Special Needs
  • Language Disorders in Children
  • Educational Technology Applications for Elementary Teaching
  • Social Foundations of Education

Making a Difference in the Lives of People with Special Needs

博天堂官方,你会发现许多有益的机会,在给予的同时应用你的知识 回到社区. 参加我们的 最好的伙伴计划这是一个全国性的组织,专注于在男女之间建立一对一的友谊 college students 和 adults with intellectual disabilities.




我们的毕业生是全国公认的名师、教授和领导 in state government 和 school districts. More than 95 percent of our students are hired by school districts upon graduation.

Where can your degree take you?

特殊教育通才文科学士课程的毕业生获得教师资格 有资格教各种年级的残疾学生 K-12, which is the primary career option for this degree. 几乎是我们所有的学生 are hired by school districts upon graduation. With your bachelor’s degree in special education, you can also pursue additional careers including:

  • Postsecondary 程序 service provider
  • Advocate for individuals with disabilities
  • 专业人员的助手
  • 过渡协调员
  • Disability support services professional
  • 父母的教育工作者

目前的研究 in the 特殊教育 Generalist Program

除了平易近人,敬业的教师,我们的教师在各自的领域处于领先地位 在与当地学校合作的同时,积极通过研究寻找答案 地区及机构. Some current UNC special education research includes

Self Determination Instruction across the Secondary Continuum



Assistant Professor of 特殊教育

由洛丽·彼得森和她的Weld RE-4学区同事设计和实施, 跨二级连续体项目的自我决定指导提供 为特殊教育教师提供专业发展和辅导,目标是 为有残疾的中学生提供发展自我决定的机会 skills before entering postsecondary life. The project is currently moving through 专业发展阶段,数据收集,指导和建模/演示 with middle 和 high school teachers 和 service providers. 据推测 参与项目并获得系统自主权的学生 随着时间的推移,教学将培养出一些技能,而不是简单地介绍和遗忘, but become a part of their innate abilities.


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